






如果学生无法参加,请给校务处发送电子邮件安排补考日期。提前考试定于12月3日在JGD校区#121办公室进行。延期考试安排在 12月13日至12月17日,由校务处安排进行。延迟考试的成绩按总成绩85%计算。


2022年10月6日,在卡尔加里McDougall Centre举行了隆重的颁奖典礼以表彰为亚省做出非凡贡献的人士。热烈祝贺我们学校的创始校长杜绮玲总校监荣获英女皇伊丽莎白二世白金禧年勋章。祝愿她在查理三世国王的统治下继续取得更大的成功。

前亞省省長肯尼(Jason Kenney)颁发奖章予亚省中文学校杜绮玲总校监





对于因特殊情况需要提前离校的学生,父母/监护人必须在位于 John G. Diefenbaker 高中的周六办公室121室填写一份提前放学通知单,再由家长/监护人直接在课室接学生离开。


10月15日,亚省中文学校举办了幼儿园到小学的美劳比赛。比赛获奖者的作品将在John G. Diefenbaker 高中大堂展出,欢迎学生家长参观。这些作品创意十足,祝贺所有获奖学生!

Another month has passed and The Chinese Academy is nearing the end of the first semester. We hope everyone is staying safe and warm after our first snowfall of the year.

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

Remembrance Day – No School, Saturday November 12th

This is a friendly reminder there are no classes on Saturday, November 12th respecting Remembrance Day. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Saturday, November 19th!

The office will be going on break from Friday, November 11th to Monday, November 14th. We will be back to normal operating hours on Tuesday, November 15th.

First Semester Exam – Saturday December 10th

First Semester Exams for all students is on Saturday, December 10th.

If the student is unable to attend, please email our office to arrange an alternate date. Early exams are scheduled on Saturday December 3rd to be conducted by either the teacher of the class or the office staff. Deferred exams can be scheduled from December 13th to December 17th which will be conducted by the office staff. For any deferred exam, the final marks will be deducted by 15%

Chief Superintendent Elaine Chan’s The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal

Our Chief Superintendent and Founding Principal Elaine Chan received The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (Alberta) on October 6th, 2022 in an official ceremony at the McDougall Centre. Please join us in congratulating Chief Superintendent Elaine Chan receiving this well-deserved exceptional award. We wish her continued and even greater success under the reign of King Charles III.

Indoor Shoes

Winter is here! The Chinese Academy would like to remind students to bring indoor shoes to maintain a clean campus building. Let’s all do our part to keep the campus buildings clean. Thank you for your cooperation.

Campus Safety

The Chinese Academy would like to remind all students, regardless of their grade, that they are not allowed to leave the campus buildings during class hours including recess. Prior written permission is required from the parents/guardians and school administration.

For students who are required to leave class early due to extenuating circumstances, their parents/guardians are required to complete an early dismissal form from the Saturday office located in John G. Diefenbaker High School – room 121 . Then the parents/guardians can pick up the student(s) directly from their classroom.

Arts & Crafts Competition Winners and Class Finalist Display

On October 15th, The Chinese Academy conducted our Arts & Crafts Competition from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Works of the competition winners and class finalists will be on display outside of the Saturday Office in John G. Diefenbaker High School room 121 very soon. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this school event. Well done!