


应广大家长的要求,我们期望已久的教育信息家长会将于 2024 年 10 月 5 日星期六举行。


  • 卡城教育系统
  • CBE不同课程及各种援助
  • 我校中文课程(适合3岁至成人)
  • 学习第二语言的好处及家长的重要角色
  • 提问及解答环节



日期:2024 年 10 月 5 日

时间:下午 1:15 –  2:15

地点:John G. Diefenbaker High School #218 室(二楼)










2024-2025学年中文班仍可接受报名,学费为 $450. 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费。


亲临维德广场办公室注册:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm,星期五9:30am – 12:30pm


如果推荐新学生来就读亚省中文学校,您即可获得 $10 礼品卡奖励。请于10月15日之后星期六上课日前来 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。


如果同时注册了我校兴趣班和中文班的学生,也可获得$10礼品卡奖励。请于10月15日后星期六上课日前来 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。

John G. Diefenbaker High School 二楼班级接送学生流程

为了加强校园安全,并于放学前为John G. Diefenbaker High School二楼上课的班级保持安静良好的学习环境,我们要求家长配合并遵循以下规则:

  1. 请家长不要上二楼。
  2. 在一楼指定地点接学生放学(请向本班老师了解放学地点)。
  3. 二楼所在班级老师都将带学生到一楼指定区域放学。如果家长/监护人没有按时来接学生,老师将带学生到#121办公室。


请注意, John G. Diefenbaker 高中学校的电脑仅供英文学校使用,我校学生及家长未经授权不得使用,感谢您理解与合作。


全校所有学生,不论年级高低,上课期间不得擅自离开校园,包括 15 分钟小息时间。

对于因特殊情况需要提前离校的学生,父母/监护人必须在位于 John G. Diefenbaker High School 办公室填写一份提前放学通知单,再由家长/监护人直接到课室接学生离开。


推荐您观看:《多种语言带来的好处》, 该影片探讨了学习多种语言如何增强认知能力并提高解决问题的能力。


Thank you for a smooth start to the new school year! Over the past month, we have thoroughly enjoyed having your child back learning with us at The Chinese Academy (TCA).

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

Education Information Session

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Education Information Session on Saturday, October 5, 2024..

This session will include the following topics:

  • The education system in Calgary
  • Various programs and support at CBE
  • Our Chinese programs for ages 3 to adults
  • Benefits of learning a second language and parent’s role
  • Q & A session

We encourage you to bring a friend along—everyone is welcome! The session will be presented by Principal Liang in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Scan the QR code in the attached poster to sign up today.

Date: October 5, 2024
Time: 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Location: Room 218, John G. Diefenbaker High School

No School on Saturday, October 12 – Thanksgiving Long Weekend

Please be reminded that there will be no classes on Saturday, October 12, 2024, due to Thanksgiving long weekend. We hope you enjoy this time with your family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving! Classes will resume as usual on Saturday, October 19.

Media Consent

The deadline for the Media Consent Form is Saturday, October 19. If you do NOT give consent, please visit the link below to complete the form at your earliest convenience.

Link: Click Here

Fire Drill Practice

We would like to inform all families that our annual fire drill practice, originally scheduled for October 5, has been postponed to October 19. This change has been made to ensure all necessary preparations are completed effectively. Safety is a top priority, and this drill is an essential part of our commitment to ensuring that students, staff, and volunteers are familiar with the correct procedures in the event of an emergency.


The 2024-2025 Registration is still ongoing, the tuition for the school year is $450. Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee.

Registration Options

  • Chinese classes online registration – Click Here
  • Option classes online registration – Click Here
  • In-person registration at the Centre Street office – Tuesday to Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm

Referral Gift Card

If you have referred a student to attend The Chinese Academy, you can collect your $10 gift card at our John G. Diefenbaker office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.

Option Class – Chinese Class Gift Card

If your child has registered for both option class and a Chinese language class with us, you can collect your $10 gift card at the John G. Diefenbaker office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.

Pick Up Procedures for Second Floor Classes at John G. Diefenbaker High School

To enhance the safety of all our students and to maintain a quiet learning environment for our second floor classes, we are requesting our families to follow the rules:

  1. Parents are NOT permitted to go up to the second floor.
  2. Meet your children on the first floor at their designated meeting area at the bottom of their assigned exit staircase.
  3. Each teacher will be escorting their students to the designated dismissal area. Our teachers will ensure all their students have been picked up. If the student has not been picked up by their parent/guardian, the teacher will bring the student to the main office in Room 121.

Prohibit Use of School Computers

Please note that students and families are not permitted to use the computers at John G. Diefenbaker High School. These computers are designated for school use only, and any unauthorized access could result in restrictions on our continued use of the facility. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining this policy.

Student Safety Policy

For the safety of all students, leaving the school premises is strictly prohibited at any time during class hours, including the 15 minute recess breaks. Students must remain within the school building throughout the entire duration of their classes. This ensures proper supervision and helps us maintain a secure environment for everyone.

Early Dismissal Policy

For the safety and accountability of all students, any student who needs to leave the school early must follow our early dismissal procedure. A blue Early Dismissal Notice must be obtained from our office or guidance team. This form needs to be completed and signed by a parent or guardian before the student will be permitted to leave the school premises.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com.

Recommended Video: “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain”

We highly recommend watching the video “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain”, which explores how learning multiple languages enhances cognitive abilities and boosts problem-solving skills. This is particularly relevant for our students at The Chinese Academy, as learning Chinese not only enriches cultural understanding but also strengthens brain development.

Watch it here: The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain, and discover how bilingualism, especially through Chinese learning, benefits your child’s academic growth and cognitive skills.