Photographs and video clips available in this Media section are provided for the use of the press when writing articles relating to The Chinese Academy. They can also be used for non-commercial purposes. All rights reserved.
好消息!根据卡城公立教育局2025年4月1日起重新开放公共场地租赁安排, 亚省中文学校将于2025年4月5日(星期六)恢复面授课程。 课程时间(2025年4月5日起生效): 所有课程仍在原校舍上课: 温馨提示: 如有任何疑问,请电邮 与我们联系。感谢您的理解与支持,我们充满期待重返课堂! We are pleased to inform you that The Chinese Academy will resume in-person classes starting Saturday, April 5, 2025. This follows the Calgary Board of Education’s decision to reopen public rentals effective April 1, 2025. Updated Class Hours (Effective April 5, 2025): Classes will take place at our regular locations: Important Notes: If you have any questions, please contact us at Thank you for your patience and support. We look forward to welcoming our students back to the classroom! 春假通知 Spring Break Notice 我校校务处将于3月22日起放春假。校务处将于2025年4月1日星期二恢复办公。办公时间为上午9时半至下午5时。 如有任何疑问,请发电邮至thechineseacademy@gmail.com联系我们。 Our office will be going on spring break starting from March 22. We will resume regular operating hours from 9:30am to 5pm starting Tuesday, April 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at 春天即将来临。亚省中文学校祝愿大家会有一个安全而美好的春季。 以下是三月家长通讯重要内容,敬请垂注。 网上授课 教育部长已批准亚省中文学校的在线课程,以应对当前CUPE Local 40的罢工。 除非CUPE Local 40罢工结束,否则所有语言课程(包括幼儿园至12年级)及特定选修课程(包括亲子中文唱游班、成人中文和数学辅导)将于2025年3月8日和15日的星期六继续在线授课,直至另行通知。 校训主题活动 原定3月8日的书法比赛将与“立己立人”校训主题活动相结合,延迟至4月5日进行,活动详情将稍后发出。 春假 温馨提醒:以下日期为春假,没有课程安排。 办公室春假休息 2025-2026 新学年第一期早注册优惠 — 2025年2月1日开始 – $70优惠 2025-2026新学年中文课程早注册优惠于2025年2月1日12:01AM开始。 在学校即将计划订购教学材料、聘请老师、设置课程和安排教室时,尽早为您的孩子注册将对我校有极大帮助。感谢您的理解与支持! 欢迎您与亲朋好友分享我校的注册信息。任何推荐新学生到我们学校的人士将获得一张$10礼品卡以作酬谢。此礼品卡可于2025年10月领取。 注册方式(不设现金注册): 2025-2026 新学年兴趣班注册 我校设有适合所有年龄段的兴趣班(6 岁儿童到成人)。欲了解新学年课程,请参阅以下链接。同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2025 年 10 月开始领取。 如符合条件还可获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。 Spring is quickly approaching. The Chinese Academy wishes everyone a safe and wonderful spring time. Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information. Online Classes The Minister of Education has approved TCA online courses due to the CUPE Local 40 strike at this time. Unless the CUPE Local 40 strike is resolved prior, all language classes, including Kindergarten to Grade 12, and certain option classes, including Parent and Tot, Adult Mandarin and Math Tutorials, will continue online for Saturdays, March 8 and 15, 2025, until further notice. Thank you for your understanding. Calligraphy Competition The Calligraphy Competition, originally scheduled for March 8th, has been postponed to April 5th. It will be combined with a new school event called the “School Motto Inspiration Competition,” where students are encouraged to share their perspectives on our school motto, “Help Yourself, Help Others.” Further details about both competitions will be shared at a later date. Spring Break: No School This is a friendly reminder there are NO classes on the following dates due to Spring Break. Office Spring Break The office will be closed from Saturday, March 22 to Monday, March 31. 2025-2026 Early Bird Registration – Phase 1 Started February 1, 2025 at 12:01AM The 2025-2026 Early Bird Registration has begun. The Chinese Academy would like to remind parents that registering early is very important to our school’s planning. Parents are welcome to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every and only new student referral. This gift card will be available for collection starting in October 2025. Registration options: 2025-2026 Option Classes Registration We offer option classes for children (ages 6+) and adults. Please see the link below for available classes in the 2025-2026 school year. Students who register for BOTH Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for collection starting in October 2025. KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information. 在此中国农历新年即将到来之际,亚省中文学校全体仝人向所有学生家长恭贺新春快乐!身体健康!心想事成! 以下是二月家长通讯重要内容,敬请垂注。 二月家庭日假期 — 2月15日星期六 温馨提醒: 2025 年 2 月 15日星期六为家庭日假期,不用上课。 2025-2026 新学年第一期早注册优惠 — 2025年2月1日开始 2025-2026新学年中文课程早注册优惠于2025年2月1日12:01AM开始。 在学校即将计划订购教学材料、聘请老师、设置课程和安排教室时,尽早为您的孩子注册将对我校有极大帮助。感谢您的理解与支持! 欢迎您与亲朋好友分享我校的注册信息。任何推荐新学生到我们学校的人士将获得一张$10礼品卡以作酬谢。此礼品卡可于2025年10月领取。 注册方式(不设现金注册): 2025-2026 新学年兴趣班注册 我校设有适合所有年龄段的兴趣班(6 岁儿童到成人)。欲了解新学年课程,请参阅以下链接。同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2025 年 10 月开始领取。 如符合条件还可获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。 亲子中文唱游班 本课程为父母和幼儿(3-4岁)提供一个绝佳的机会,体验生动、有趣的音乐和故事。该课程旨在帮助孩子们通过粤语和普通话的中文歌曲和故事探索中文语言和文化。这不仅是向孩子介绍中文语言之美的好方法,也是激发他们想像力和学习兴趣的有效方式。 IB中文课程校内评估 2025年IB口语考试于2月1日及8日此两个星期六进行。考试地点在Sir John A. Macdonald School (SJAM) #26号教室和#28号教室。请在SJAM一楼上课的其他年级的学生不要到考试课室附近小息,为12年级IB学生创设一个良好的考试环境。预祝考试成功! 停车规定 请特别留意位于John G. Diefenbaker高中和Sir John A. Macdonald学校之间的停车场。家长须将车辆停在预设停车位内,请勿停到草地范围。 敬请遵守停车场内指示牌规定,以确保学校安全。不当泊车车辆可能会被拖走,费用自理。 学生请假 如果学生生病或其他任何原因缺勤,请通过电子邮件通知您孩子的老师(请先向贵子女或老师了解老师的电邮地址)。如无法联系老师,可发邮件至学校办公室,无需打电话请假。 学生安全须知 根据学校保险政策,为了学生安全,请家长遵守以下规定: The Chinese Academy wishes our school community a wonderful Chinese New Year with your family and friends. Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information. Family Day Holiday (Saturday, February 15) – No School This is a friendly reminder there are NO classes on Saturday, February 15, due to Family Day Holiday. 2025-2026 Early Bird Registration – Phase 1 Starts February 1, 2025 at 12:01AM The 2025-2026 Early Bird Registration begins on Saturday, February 1, 2025. The Chinese Academy would like to remind parents that registering early is very important to our school’s planning. Parents are welcome to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available for collection starting in October 2025. Registration options (No Cash Registration): 2025-2026 Option Classes Registration We offer option classes for children (ages 6+) and adults. Please see the link below for available classes in the 2025-2026 school year. Students who register for BOTH Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for collection starting in October 2025. KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information. Chinese Music and Storytime for Parents and Toddlers Join our exciting new class for parents and toddlers (ages 3-4) to explore Chinese language and culture through interactive music and storytelling in Cantonese and Mandarin. This engaging program fosters imagination, learning, and cultural appreciation while building on topics and songs from the first semester. Don’t miss this fun and educational experience! Please see the poster attached for details. IB Internal Assessment – Quiet Zone Requirements on SJAM First Floor IB Internal Assessments will continue on Saturday, February 1 and 8, 2025 in Room 26 and 28 of Sir John A. Macdonald School. The Chinese Academy would like to remind students with classes on the first floor of Sir John A. Macdonald School to remain as quiet as possible. Saturday Parking A friendly reminder to parents in the parking lot between John G. Diefenbaker High School and Sir John A. MacDonald School: please stay within the paved parking lot and avoid parking on the grassy areas. Additionally, kindly follow any signage in the parking lot to ensure everyone’s safety. Vehicles parked improperly may be towed at your own expense. Student Absence A reminder to parents and students: please notify your child’s teacher via email in case of illness or any unavoidable absence. Student Drop-Off & Late Pick-up Policy For student safety and in line with our school insurance policy, please drop off your child no earlier than 10 minutes before 9:00 AM or 1:00 PM. No staff is available to supervise students during lunch. Any students late for pick up will wait in the office #121. 时光荏苒,我们迎来了新的一年,恭祝各位学生及家长新年进步、身体健康、万事如意! 2024-2025学年第二学期将于2025年1月11日开始,以下是1月家长通讯重要内容,敬请垂注。 新年假期 学校办公室将于2024年12月22日开始休假,直至2025年1月6日(星期一)。2025年1月7日(星期二)将恢复正常办公。期待2025年1月11日(星期六)上课日见面! 第一学期成绩单 我校将于2025年1月18日或之前通过电子邮件发送第一学期学生成绩单。如果您在19日还没有收到学生成绩单,请发邮件至 或致电403-777-7663。如需纸质版,家长可以到学校办公室要求打印成绩单。 教育信息会 ——1月11日 我校10月初进行了教育信息会,整个讲座气氛热烈,参会家长纷纷表示受益匪浅。应广大家长的要求,我们将于2025年1月11日再进行一次教育信息会。 会议包括以下感兴趣的主题: 此信息会对所有人开放,诚邀您和您的亲朋好友一起来参加!信息会将由我校梁校长及齐副校长以英语、普通话及粤语进行。 扫瞄随附海报的二维码即可报名: 日期:2025 年 1 月 11 日 时间:下午 1:30 – 2:30 地点:John G. Diefenbaker High School #218 室(二楼) IB中文课程校内评估 2024年IB 口语考试将于1月25日、2月1日、2月8日此三个星期六进行。考试地点在Sir John A. Macdonald School(SJAM)#26号教室和28号教室。请在SJAM一楼上课的其他年级的学生不要到考试课室附近小息,为 12年级IB学生创设一个良好的考试环境。预祝考试成功! 2024-2025学年第二学期新学生注册 本学年第二学期中文班仍可接受报名,学费为 $230。高中部学生注册请联系办公室了解详情。 网上注册: 亲临维德广场办公室注册:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm,星期五9:30am – 12:30pm KidSport 助学金 我校鼓励和帮助经济困难家庭的孩子享受体育运动。有需要的家庭可向办公室递交有效的收入文件申请 KidSport 助学金。 2025-2026 学年早注册优惠 2025-2026学年中文课程早注册将于2月1日开始!早注册可享受$60 折扣,优惠价为$390,此费用包括全学年学费及书簿费。 欢迎您与亲朋好友分享我校的注册信息。任何推荐每位新学生到我们学校的人士将获得一张$10礼品卡以作酬谢。此礼品卡可于2025年10月领取。 在学校即将计划订购教学材料、聘请老师、设置课程和安排教室时,尽早为您的孩子注册将对我校有极大帮助。感谢您的理解与支持! 第二期兴趣班现正招生 亲子中文唱游班 本课程为父母和幼儿提供一个绝佳的机会,体验生动、有趣的音乐和故事。该课程旨在帮助孩子们通过粤语和普通话的中文歌曲和故事探索中文语言和文化。这不仅是向孩子介绍中文语言之美的好方法,也是激发他们想像力和学习兴趣的有效方式。 养生之道——从中医角度谈养生 此课程通过深入浅出,通俗易懂的方式传授关键针灸穴位、常见草药疗法以及了解人与大自然之间的关系。课程还涵盖四季养生、八段锦等传统锻炼方法及职业健康知识。请立即报名,让我们一起探索中医的深远益处并促进您的健康! 羽你同行——羽毛球开放时间 您是否想以有趣且充满活力的方式度过周六空闲时间?快来加入我校羽毛球开放时段吧!无论您是初学还是经验丰富,都可强身健体、提升球技。这是结交朋友并体验运动乐趣的理想选择!立即报名吧! 详情请参阅【附件】海报。 礼品卡奖励 您推荐了新学生报读亚省中文学校吗? 您的孩子是否同时报名了兴趣班课程和中文课程? 如果是,您可以领取一张$10的礼品卡!请星期六上课日到 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到中央街维德广场办公室领取。 Wishing you and your families a Very Happy New Year! The 2024-2025 second semester will begin on Saturday, January 11, 2025. Please kindly read this January parent newsletter carefully, as it contains important reminders and information. New Year Holidays The office will be is on holiday break from ____ until Monday, January 6, 2025. We will be back to normal operating hours on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We look forward to seeing everyone back after the holiday break on Saturday, January 11, 2025! First Semester Report Cards The Chinese Academy will distribute the first semester report cards via email by January 18, 2025. If you have not received the student’s report card by January 18, 2025, please email If you require a hard copy of the report card, please visit our office to request one. Education Information Session – January 11, 2025 Due to popular demand following our first Education Information Session, we are now offering a second one on Saturday, January 11, 2025! This is also your chance to participate if you missed the previous one. This session will include the following topics: The Information Session is open to all . We encourage you to bring a friend along — everyone is welcome! The session will be presented by Principal Liang and Assistant Principal Qi in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Scan the QR code in the attached poster to sign up today! Date: January 11, 2025 IB Oral Internal Assessment IB Oral Internal Assessment will begin on Saturday, January 25, 2025 until Saturday, February 8, 2025 for three Saturdays. The exam will be held in Sir John A. Macdonald School Room 26 and Room 28. We kindly ask students to help maintain a quiet and respectful environment during the assessments. Wish all IB students the best of luck in their exams! 2024-2025 Second Semester Registration for NEW students Registration for the second semester is now open! Please encourage your friends and relatives to register for the 2024-2025 second semester Chinese course. Kindly note that if you have already registered for the 2024-2025 school year, no further registration is required. Registration Options The Chinese Academy would like to encourage and assist children’s families with financial needs to enjoy sports. Please see the poster attached for more details on the KidSport Financial Bursary. 2025-2026 Early Bird Registration The 2025-2026 Early Bird Registration begins on Saturday, February 1, 2025. The early bird registration price is $390. This is a $60 discount. The tuition fee is for the full school year and includes the textbook fee. The Chinese Academy would like to remind parents that registering early is very important to our school’s planning. We really appreciate your help with our school preparation. Parents are welcome to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referees will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available for pick up in October 2025. NEW Option Classes Available! Chinese Music and Storytime for Parents and Toddlers This new class is a fantastic opportunity for parents and toddlers to engage in a lively, interactive music and storytelling experience. The program is tailored to help children explore the Chinese language and culture through songs and stories in Cantonese and Mandarin. It is not only a great way to introduce your child to the beauty of these languages, but also a fun way to stimulate their imagination and learning! This class will teach new topics and songs from the previous class held in the first semester. Please see the poster attached for details. Wellness & Health through the Chinese Traditional Medicinae This class offers an exceptional opportunity for adults to delve into the world of traditional Chinese medicine and wellness! Participants will learn about key acupuncture points, common herbal remedies, and the connection between humans and nature. The curriculum also covers seasonal wellness, traditional Chinese exercises like Ba Duan Jin, and occupational health and safety. Enroll now to explore the profound benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and enhance your well-being. This class will teach new topics from the previous class held in the first semester. Please see the poster attached for details. Badminton Open Court Time Looking for a fun and active way to spend your free time? Join us for open court badminton! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, our courts are available for you to enjoy casual games, practice your skills, or challenge friends. With a welcoming atmosphere, it is the perfect opportunity to stay active, meet new people, and enjoy the fast-paced excitement of badminton. Grab your racket and shuttlecock, and let the game begin! Register today to reserve your spot. Please see the poster attached for details. Referral Gift Cards & Option Class Promotion Did you refer a new student to The Chinese Academy? Is your child enrolled in both an option class and a Chinese language class? If so, you can claim a $10 gift card! Visit our Diefenbaker office on Saturdays or at our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday. 冬假通知 Winter Break Notice 我校校务处将于12月22日起放冬假。校务处将于2025年1月7日星期二恢复办公。办公时间为上午9时半至下午5时。 如有任何疑问,请发电邮至thechineseacademy@gmail.com联系我们。 Our office will be going on winter break starting from December 22. We will resume regular operating hours from 9:30am to 5pm starting Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at 我校10月初進行了教育信息會,整個講座氣氛熱烈,參會家長紛紛表示受益匪淺。應廣大家長的要求,我們將於2025年1月11日再進行一次教育信息會。 會議包括以下感興趣的主題: 誠邀您和您的親朋好友一起來參加!信息會將由我校梁校長及齊副校長以英語、普通話及粵語進行。 掃描隨附海報的二維碼即可報名: 日期:2025 年 1 月 11 日 時間:下午 1:30 – 2:30 地點:John G. Diefenbaker High School #218 室(二樓) Due to popular demand following our first Education Information Session, we are now offering a second one on Saturday, January 11, 2025! This is also your chance to participate if you missed the previous one. This session will include the following topics: We encourage you to bring a friend along — everyone is welcome! The session will be presented by Principal Liang and Assistant Principal Qi in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Scan the QR code in the attached poster to sign up today! Date: January 11, 2025 圣诞将至,恭祝各位学生及家长圣诞快乐、新年进步、身体健康、万事如意! 以下是十二月家长通讯重要内容,敬请垂注。 准备室内鞋 冬天悄然而至,大雪纷飞,雪泥遍地,必满鞋泥泞。为了有一个整洁安全的校园环境,请在回中文学校时准备一双干净的室内鞋,并准备一个大胶袋以便存放室外雪鞋(请标明学生班级姓名,以防丢失)。感谢您的理解与合作! 保护公物,遵守规定 亚省中文学校与John G. Diefenbaker学校及Sir John A. Macdonald School学校有长期良好的合作关系。我们衷心感谢两校的老师和工作人员,每周六允许我们使用他们的教室、智能白板、餐厅、体育馆、走廊和停车场。我们应倍加珍惜这宝贵的学习环境,故要求我校所有学生不触碰课室内教师的桌面、智能显示板、白板及其他书籍、资料、文具、纸巾等物品。请家长务必提醒孩子遵守此项规定,自备孩子所需物品。 第一学期考试 ——12月7日 如果学生无法按时参加考试,延期考试将在 12月14日进行,成绩按总成绩85%计算。延期考试请必须说明原因或提供不可抗因素的证明材料,则可不扣分。 第二十五届世界华人学生作文大赛 结合中国侨联主办的“第二十五届世界华人学生作文大赛”,我校7-12年级主流班及IS班将于2024年12月14 日进行亚省中文学校作文初赛,比赛详情请见【附件】。请学生提前做好准备。 JGD 高中篮球比赛 —— 12月14日 请注意,2024年12月14日(星期六),John G. Diefenbaker高中将举办篮球比赛,届时学校的停车场和走廊将会比平时更加繁忙。请注意: 感谢您的理解与配合! 圣诞节新年假期 ——2024年12月28日、2025年1月4日 不上课 温馨提示:圣诞及新年假期前最后上课日是12月21日星期六,期待新年1月11日星期六复课再与大家相见! 学校维德广场办公室将于 2024 年 12 月 22 日星期天到 2025年 1 月 6 日星期一放假,2025年 1 月 7 日星期二将恢复办公。 第一学期成绩单 我校将于2025年1月18日或之前通过电子邮件发送第一学期学生成绩单。如果您在19日还没有收到学生成绩单,请发邮件至 或致电403-777-7663。如需纸质版,家长可以到学校办公室要求打印成绩单。 教育信息会 ——1月11日 我校10月初进行了教育信息会,整个讲座气氛热烈,参会家长纷纷表示受益匪浅。应广大家长的要求,我们将于2025年1月11日再进行一次教育信息会。 会议包括以下感兴趣的主题: 诚邀您和您的亲朋好友一起来参加!信息会将由我校梁校长及齐副校长以英语、普通话及粤语进行。 扫瞄随附海报的二维码即可报名: 日期:2025 年 1 月 11 日 时间:下午 1:30 – 2:30 地点:John G. Diefenbaker High School #218 室(二楼) 2024-2025学年第二学期注册 本学年第二学期中文班仍可接受报名,学费为 $230。高中部学生注册请联系办公室了解详情。 网上注册: 亲临维德广场办公室注册:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm,星期五9:30am – 12:30pm 好消息!深受学生欢迎的羽毛球 D班仍可报名参加,时间是下午1:00-2:00。这是学生提高身体素质,享受运动乐趣的绝佳机会! KidSport 助学金 我校鼓励和帮助经济困难家庭的孩子享受体育运动。有需要的家庭可向办公室递交有效的收入文件申请 KidSport 助学金。 新兴趣班 亲子中文唱游班 本课程为父母和幼儿提供一个绝佳的机会,体验生动、有趣的音乐和故事。该课程旨在帮助孩子们通过粤语和普通话的中文歌曲和故事探索中文语言和文化。这不仅是向孩子介绍中文语言之美的好方法,也是激发他们想像力和学习兴趣的有效方式。 【海报】请参阅附件 养生之道——从中医角度谈养生 此课程通过深入浅出,通俗易懂的方式传授关键针灸穴位、常见草药疗法以及了解人与大自然之间的关系。课程还涵盖四季养生、八段锦等传统锻炼方法及职业健康知识。请立即报名,让我们一起探索中医的深远益处并促进您的健康! 【海报】请参阅附件 礼品卡奖励 推荐者:如果推荐新学生来就读亚省中文学校,即可获得 $10 礼品卡奖励。 同时注册:如果同时注册我校兴趣班和中文班的学生,也可获得$10礼品卡奖励。 请于星期六上课日到 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。 The Chinese Academy wishes our School Community a Very Happy Holiday Season and a Peaceful, Prosperous & Happy New Year!! Dear Parents and Guardians, Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information. Indoor Shoes Winter is here! The Chinese Academy would like to remind students to bring indoor shoes to maintain a clean campus building. Let’s all do our part to keep the campus buildings clean. Please wipe your shoes on the door carpets when you enter the school. This is greatly appreciated. Respect for the Diefenbaker and SJAM Schools The TCA community is most appreciative of the Diefenbaker and SJAM teachers and staff, letting us share their classrooms, smartboards, cafeteria, gymnasium, hallways and parking lots every Saturday when we offer our programs. It is paramount that all of us demonstrate with the utmost respect this kind gesture that has been given to us for many, many years. We do not want to lose this privilege. This respect includes our students never, ever touching the teachers’ desks, smartboards, white boards or any other books, materials, writing utensils or markers etc. Please remind your children. We will continue to remind our students on a regular basis. First Semester Exam – Saturday December 7th First Semester Exams for all students is this Saturday, December 7th. When a student is unable to attend, deferred exams can be scheduled for December 14th. For any deferred exams, the final mark will be deducted by 15%. It is necessary to provide a valid reason or present proof of absence. Grade 7-12 Essay Writing Competition – December 14th Our school will be conducting our annual Essay Writing Competition on Saturday, December 14th. The essays of the winners and class finalists will be on display in the main foyer at John G. Diefenbaker High School Room in early January. Basketball Tournament at John G. Diefenbaker High School – December 14th Please note that John G. Diefenbaker High School will be hosting a Basketball Tournament on Saturday, December 14, 2024. As a result, the school’s parking lots and hallways will be busier than usual. We kindly remind all families of the following: Restricted Gym Access: The gymnasiums are reserved for tournament activities. Please ensure that students and parents do not enter the gymnasiums or linger near their entrances. Concession Food Policy: Concession items purchased during the tournament must not be consumed in classrooms before or after morning and afternoon recesses. Students should store these items in their backpacks. Thank you for your cooperation. Christmas and New Year Holidays The last day of classes before the Christmas and New Year Holiday is Saturday, December 21. We look forward to seeing everyone back after the holiday break on Saturday, January 11, 2025! The office will also be going on holiday break starting from Sunday, December 22, to Monday, January 6, 2025. We will be back to normal operating hours on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. First Semester Report Cards The Chinese Academy will distribute the first semester report cards via email by January 18, 2025. If you have not received the student’s report card by January 18, 2025, please email If you require a hard copy of the report card, please visit our office to request one. Education Information Session – January 11, 2025 Due to popular demand following our first Education Information Session, we are now offering a second one on Saturday, January 11, 2025! This is also your chance to participate if you missed the previous one. This session will include the following topics: We encourage you to bring a friend along — everyone is welcome! The session will be presented by Principal Liang and Assistant Principal Qi in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Scan the QR code in the attached poster to sign up today! Date: January 11, 2025 2024-2025 Second Semester Registration Registration for the second semester is now open! The tuition for the second semester is $230. Please encourage your friends and relatives to register for the 2024-2025 second semester Chinese course. Registration Options We’re excited to announce that registration for our Badminton D class is still open! This is a great opportunity for students to develop their skills, improve their fitness, and enjoy the fun of playing in a supportive environment. The Chinese Academy would like to encourage and assist children’s families with financial needs to enjoy sports. Please see the poster attached for more details on the KidSport Financial Bursary. NEW Option Classes Available! Chinese Music and Storytime for Parents and Toddlers This new class is a fantastic opportunity for parents and toddlers to engage in a lively, interactive music and storytelling experience. The program is tailored to help children explore the Chinese language and culture through songs and stories in Cantonese and Mandarin. It is not only a great way to introduce your child to the beauty of these languages, but also a fun way to stimulate their imagination and learning! This class will teach new topics and songs from the previous class held in the first semester. Please see the poster attached for details. Wellness & Health through the Chinese Traditional Medicine This class offers an exceptional opportunity for adults to delve into the world of traditional Chinese medicine and wellness! Participants will learn about key acupuncture points, common herbal remedies, and the connection between humans and nature. The curriculum also covers seasonal wellness, traditional Chinese exercises like Ba Duan Jin, and occupational health and safety. Enroll now to explore the profound benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and enhance your well-being. This class will teach new topics from the previous class held in the first semester. Please see the poster attached for details. Referral Gift Cards & Option Class Promotion Did you refer a new student to The Chinese Academy? Is your child enrolled in both an option class and a Chinese language class? If so, you can claim a $10 gift card! Visit our Diefenbaker office on Saturdays or at our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday. 时光荏苒,贵子女已在亚省中文学校渡过了一段美好的学习时光。今年冬天第一场雪如期而至,大雪中的卡城银装素裹,美不胜收,希望您及您的家人安全又温暖地渡过这个冬天。 敬请仔细阅读以下重要信息。 停车场安全 随着冬季的到来,停车场常常结冰、湿滑。家长驾车进出学校停车场时请务必减速,注意视线盲点,保持警惕。 也请提醒您的孩子小心行走,特别留意停车场内的车辆。 和平纪念日——11月9日星期六不上课 11月9日星期六是和平纪念日假期,不用上课。期待11月16日星期六再与大家见面! 美劳比赛 ——11月16日 11月16日将举行本年度幼儿园及小学美劳比赛。小学部学生请自备彩色铅笔、固体胶、儿童剪刀等文具。获奖者作品将于十二月初在John G. Diefenbaker High School大堂展出,欢迎学生家长观赏。 拍照日 ——11月23日 时间:上午班11:10 – 11:30,下午班1:15 – 1:35 地点:John G. Diefenbaker High School校区主体育馆 第一学期考试 ——12月7日 如果学生无法按时参加考试,必须11月26日之前发电邮到校务处申请重新安排考试时间。提前考试于11月30日进行,不扣分。延期考试安排在 12月14日,成绩按总成绩85%计算。提前或延期考试请必须说明原因或提供不可抗因素的证明材料。 教育信息会 ——1月11日 我校10月初进行了教育信息会,整个讲座气氛热烈,参会家长纷纷表示受益匪浅。应广大家长的要求,我们将于2025年1月11日再进行一次教育信息会。 会议包括以下感兴趣的主题: 诚邀您和您的亲朋好友一起来参加!信息会将由我校梁校长及齐副校长以英语、普通话及粤语进行。 扫瞄随附海报的二维码即可报名: 日期:2025 年 1 月 11 日 时间:下午 1:30 – 2:30 地点:John G. Diefenbaker High School #218 室(二楼) 准备室内鞋 冬天悄然而至,大雪纷飞,雪泥遍地,必满鞋泥泞。为了有一个整洁安全的校园环境,请在回中文学校时准备一双干净的室内鞋,并准备一个大胶袋以便存放室外雪鞋(请标明学生班级姓名,以防丢失)。感谢您的理解与合作! 继续接受报名 2024-2025学年中文班仍可接受报名,学费为 $450. 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费。 网上注册: 亲临维德广场办公室注册:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm,星期五9:30am – 12:30pm 好消息!深受学生欢迎的羽毛球 D班仍可报名参加,时间是下午1:00-2:00。这是学生提高身体素质,享受运动乐趣的绝佳机会! 礼品卡奖励 推荐者:如果推荐新学生来就读亚省中文学校,即可获得 $10 礼品卡奖励。 同时注册:如果同时注册我校兴趣班和中文班的学生,也可获得$10礼品卡奖励。 请于星期六上课日到 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。 Another month has passed, and The Chinese Academy is nearing the end of the first semester. We hope everyone is staying safe and warm after our first snowfall of the year. Important: Driving and Parking Lots With winter arriving, the parking lots are often icy and slippery. Drive safely at all times. Please remind your children to walk carefully, and watch diligently for cars in the parking lots as they enter and exit the schools. Parents are requested to park only in designated parking spots and avoid parking on grass pathways or non-parking areas. Remembrance Day – No School, Saturday November 9th There are no classes on Saturday, November 9th respecting Remembrance Day. Arts & Crafts Competition – November 16th The Chinese Academy will be conducting our annual Arts & Crafts Competition from Kindergarten to Grade 6 on Saturday, November 16th. Elementary class students are required to bring their own colouring pencils for the competition. Works of the competition winners and class finalists will be on display outside of the Saturday Office in John G. Diefenbaker High School room 121 in early December. Photo Day – November 23rd Our school will be taking the annual school photo on Saturday, November 23rd. Please see below for the details: Location: Main Gym of John G. Diefenbaker High School Picture Time for Morning Classes: 11:10am – 11:30am Picture Time for Afternoon Classes: 1:15pm – 1:35pm First Semester Exam – Saturday December 7th First Semester Exams for all students is on Saturday, December 7th. Please encourage your student to spend time studying for this important exam. If the student is unable to attend, please email your teacher and our office by November 26th to arrange an alternate date. Early exams are scheduled on Saturday November 30th, while deferred exams can be scheduled on December 14th. For any deferred exams, the final marks will be deducted by 15%. For both early and deferred exams, it is necessary to provide a valid reason or present proof of absence. Indoor Shoes Winter is here! The Chinese Academy would like to remind students to bring indoor shoes to maintain a clean campus building. Let’s all do our part to keep the campus buildings clean. Education Information Session – January 11, 2025 Join us for our second Education Information Session on Saturday, January 11, 2025, due to popular demand following our successful first session. This is your chance to participate if you missed the previous one. This session will include the following topics: We encourage you to bring a friend along—everyone is welcome! The session will be presented by Principal Liang and Assistant Principal Qi in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Scan the QR code in the attached poster to sign up today. Date: January 11, 2025 2024-2025 Registration Ongoing Registration is still open, and the tuition for the current academic year is $450. This fee covers the entire school year and includes the cost of textbooks. Registration Options We’re excited to announce that registration for our Badminton D class is still open! This is a great opportunity for students to develop their skills, improve their fitness, and enjoy the fun of playing in a supportive environment. Referral Gift Cards & Option Class Promotion Did you refer a new student to The Chinese Academy? Is your child enrolled in both an option class and a Chinese language class? If so, you can claim a $10 gift card! Visit our Diefenbaker office on Saturdays or at our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday. 新学年顺利开始!在过去的这一个月,很高兴贵子女回到亚省中文学校与我们一起开始了新的学习。 以下是重要的提醒信息,请您仔细阅读。 教育信息会 应广大家长的要求,我们期望已久的教育信息家长会将于 2024 年 10 月 5 日星期六举行。 本次会议将包括以下感兴趣的主题: 欢迎您和亲朋好友一起来参加!信息会将由我校梁校长以英语、普通话及粤语进行。 扫瞄随附海报的二维码即可注册。 日期:2024 年 10 月 5 日 时间:下午 1:15 – 2:15 地点:John G. Diefenbaker High School #218 室(二楼) 感恩节假期——10月12日星期六不用上课 10月12日是感恩节假期,祝感恩节快乐!希望您跟孩子渡过一个有意义的假期。 10月19日将恢复上课。 媒体同意书 媒体同意书提交截止日期为10月19日。若不同意,请务必提交媒体同意书。 链接:请点击这里 火警演练 我校每年都会进行火警演演习,今年将于10月19日进行。营造一个安全学习环境是我校首要工作任务,这次火警演习将巩固全校师生对应急程序的了解,提高应对紧急状况的准备程度。 注册 2024-2025学年中文班仍可接受报名,学费为 $450. 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费。 网上注册: 亲临维德广场办公室注册:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm,星期五9:30am – 12:30pm 推荐者礼品卡 如果推荐新学生来就读亚省中文学校,您即可获得 $10 礼品卡奖励。请于10月15日之后星期六上课日前来 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。 兴趣班–中文班礼品卡 如果同时注册了我校兴趣班和中文班的学生,也可获得$10礼品卡奖励。请于10月15日后星期六上课日前来 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。 John G. Diefenbaker High School 二楼班级接送学生流程 为了加强校园安全,并于放学前为John G. Diefenbaker High School二楼上课的班级保持安静良好的学习环境,我们要求家长配合并遵循以下规则: 禁止使用学校电脑 请注意, John G. Diefenbaker 高中学校的电脑仅供英文学校使用,我校学生及家长未经授权不得使用,感谢您理解与合作。 校园安全 全校所有学生,不论年级高低,上课期间不得擅自离开校园,包括 15 分钟小息时间。 对于因特殊情况需要提前离校的学生,父母/监护人必须在位于 John G. Diefenbaker High School 办公室填写一份提前放学通知单,再由家长/监护人直接到课室接学生离开。 学习多种语言的好处 推荐您观看:《多种语言带来的好处》, 该影片探讨了学习多种语言如何增强认知能力并提高解决问题的能力。 Thank you for a smooth start to the new school year! Over the past month, we have thoroughly enjoyed having your child back learning with us at The Chinese Academy (TCA). Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information. Education Information Session We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Education Information Session on Saturday, October 5, 2024.. This session will include the following topics: We encourage you to bring a friend along—everyone is welcome! The session will be presented by Principal Liang in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Scan the QR code in the attached poster to sign up today. Date: October 5, 2024 No School on Saturday, October 12 – Thanksgiving Long Weekend Please be reminded that there will be no classes on Saturday, October 12, 2024, due to Thanksgiving long weekend. We hope you enjoy this time with your family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving! Classes will resume as usual on Saturday, October 19. Media Consent Link: Click Here Fire Drill Practice We would like to inform all families that our annual fire drill practice, originally scheduled for October 5, has been postponed to October 19. This change has been made to ensure all necessary preparations are completed effectively. Safety is a top priority, and this drill is an essential part of our commitment to ensuring that students, staff, and volunteers are familiar with the correct procedures in the event of an emergency. Registration The 2024-2025 Registration is still ongoing, the tuition for the school year is $450. Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee. Registration Options Referral Gift Card Option Class – Chinese Class Gift Card Pick Up Procedures for Second Floor Classes at John G. Diefenbaker High School To enhance the safety of all our students and to maintain a quiet learning environment for our second floor classes, we are requesting our families to follow the rules: Prohibit Use of School Computers Student Safety Policy For the safety of all students, leaving the school premises is strictly prohibited at any time during class hours, including the 15 minute recess breaks. Students must remain within the school building throughout the entire duration of their classes. This ensures proper supervision and helps us maintain a secure environment for everyone. Early Dismissal Policy For the safety and accountability of all students, any student who needs to leave the school early must follow our early dismissal procedure. A blue Early Dismissal Notice must be obtained from our office or guidance team. This form needs to be completed and signed by a parent or guardian before the student will be permitted to leave the school premises. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at Recommended Video: “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain” We highly recommend watching the video “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain”, which explores how learning multiple languages enhances cognitive abilities and boosts problem-solving skills. This is particularly relevant for our students at The Chinese Academy, as learning Chinese not only enriches cultural understanding but also strengthens brain development. Watch it here: The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain, and discover how bilingualism, especially through Chinese learning, benefits your child’s academic growth and cognitive skills.
Time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Room 218, John G. Diefenbaker High School
Time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Room 218, John G. Diefenbaker High School
Time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Room 218, John G. Diefenbaker High School
Time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Room 218, John G. Diefenbaker High School
Time: 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Location: Room 218, John G. Diefenbaker High School
The deadline for the Media Consent Form is Saturday, October 19. If you do NOT give consent, please visit the link below to complete the form at your earliest convenience.
If you have referred a student to attend The Chinese Academy, you can collect your $10 gift card at our John G. Diefenbaker office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.
If your child has registered for both option class and a Chinese language class with us, you can collect your $10 gift card at the John G. Diefenbaker office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.
Please note that students and families are not permitted to use the computers at John G. Diefenbaker High School. These computers are designated for school use only, and any unauthorized access could result in restrictions on our continued use of the facility. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining this policy.