暑假通知 Summer Break Notice Saturday, June 29, 2024

暑假通知 Summer Break Notice



The Chinese Academy office is on Summer Break starting June 30. We will resume service starting Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The school opening email will be sent by the end of August. Please email thechineseacademy@gmail.com if you have any questions or enquires.

期末家长通讯 Year End Parent Newsletter Thursday, June 20, 2024




亚省中文学校办公室从 6 月 30 日星期日到 8 月 5 日星期一放暑假,8 月 6 日星期二恢复办公。暑假期间在线注册系统照常可用。

办公室地址:191, 1518 Centre Street N.E. T2E 2R9


现在-6 月29日,8 月 6 日 – 9 月 7 日:星期二至星期六,上午 9:30 – 下午 5:00

2024-2025 第三期中文班早注册及兴趣班注册

  • 第三阶段早注册优惠有效期至 2024 年 8 月 16 日星期五
  • 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费





  • 中文班在线注册请访问:点击这里
  • 兴趣班在线注册请访问:点击这里
  • 亲临中央街维德广场办公室:星期二至星期六 9:30 am – 5 pm

同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2024 年 10 月领取。

如符合条件者可以获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。







如果您购买了 2023-2024 学校照片,请于办公时间到中央街维德广场办公室领取。


祝贺所有获得奖项或奖学金的学生!如果您尚未领取获奖证书和奖牌,请于 6 月 29 日星期六之前到中央街维德广场办公室领取。

Google 好评

家长对学校及老师的好评对我们来说非常重要,是我们前进路上的动力!欢迎您将好评写在亚省中文学校的Google 评论里,这将是对我们学校及老师极大的鼓励。



2024-2025 学年开学

新学年开学第一天是 9 14 日星期六。开学详细信息将于 2024 年 8 月 27 日前发出,请于 8 月底留意查阅您的电子邮件。

10 年级已完成入学评估的学生,分班结果也将在 2024 年 8 月 27 日前通过电子邮件通知。


The successful conclusion of the 28th Graduation and Award Ceremonies brought an end to the 2023-2024 school year. Please read the message below, as it contains important reminders and information.

Office Summer Break

The Chinese Academy office is on summer break from Sunday, June 30 to Monday, August 5. We will resume regular service on Tuesday, August 6. Our online registration system is available during the summer break.

Office Address:191, 1518 Centre Street N.E. T2E 2R9

Office Hours:

  • June: Tuesday to Saturday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • August 6 – September 7: Tuesday to Saturday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

2024-2025 Phase 3 Early Bird & Option Classes Registration

  • The 2024-2025 Early Bird Registration Phase 3 early bird registration is effective till 11:59 pm Friday, August 16, 2024
  • Phase 3 early bird registration tuition – $430 ($20 discount applied) including the full school year and the textbook fee

Please note that early registration is crucial for our school’s planning.

Referral Gift Card

Parents are encouraged to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available for pick up starting in October 2024.

Registration Options

  • Chinese classes online registration – Click Here
  • Option classes online registration – Click Here
  • In-person registration at the Centre Street office – Tuesday to Saturday 9:30 am – 5 pm

Registering for both Chinese and Option Classes

Students who register for both Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for pick up starting in October 2024.

KidSport Financial Bursary

KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information.

New Option Classes

Chinese Music and Storytime for Parents and Toddlers

This class is a fantastic opportunity for parents and toddlers to engage in a lively, interactive music and storytelling experience. The program is tailored to help children explore the Chinese language and culture through songs and stories in Cantonese and Mandarin. It is not only a great way to introduce your child to the beauty of these languages, but also a fun way to stimulate their imagination and learning.

Wellness & Health through the Chinese Traditional Medicine

This class offers an exceptional opportunity for adults to delve into the world of traditional Chinese medicine and wellness. Participants will learn about key acupuncture points, common herbal remedies, and the connection between humans and nature. The curriculum also covers seasonal wellness, traditional Chinese exercises like Ba Duan Jin, and occupational health and safety. Enroll now to explore the profound benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and enhance your well-being.

2023-2024 School Photo Pickups

If you purchased the 2023-2024 School Photo, they are now available for pick up from our Centre Street office during operating hours.

Awards and Certificates Pickup

Congratulations to all our students who have received awards and/or scholarships! If you have not picked up your awards and certificates, please do so by Saturday, June 29 at our Centre Street office.

Google Review

We greatly value your appreciation for our school and teachers. We invite you to share your positive feedback on The Chinese Academy’s Google Review page, as it will be a tremendous source of encouragement for both our school and teachers.

Feel free to mention the student’s class in your review, but kindly refrain from including the teacher’s name to protect their privacy. We sincerely appreciate your support and cooperation.

Review Link: Click Here

2024-2025 School Year Opening

Our first day of classes will be on Saturday, September 14. An email about the student’s classroom and teacher will be sent out by August 27, 2024. Please check your email by the end of August.

For prospective grade 10 students who have completed their assessment, the placement results will also be emailed by August 27, 2024.

The Chinese Academy wishes all our families a fun, restful and safe summer. See you in September!

免费亲子试听课程:探索中文唱游的乐趣 Free Pilot Class for Parents and Toddlers: Discover the Joy of Chinese Music and Storytime Wednesday, May 15, 2024




日期:2024 年 5 月 25 日星期六

粤语时段:上午 9:15 – 上午 10:00

普通话时段:下午 1:15 – 下午 2:00

地点: Sir John A. Macdonald School S-P8课室




由于每班只限10名学生,请使用下面提供的 Google Form链接来选择合适的时段,请尽快报名以预留名额。先报先得,机会难得,不容错过,快加入我们吧!



Free Pilot Class for Parents and Toddlers: Discover the Joy of Chinese Music and Storytime

We are excited to invite you and your little ones to a special Chinese Music and Storytime event at The Chinese Academy. Join us for a fun class filled with music, stories and language development!

Session Details:

  • Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024
  • Cantonese Session: 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Mandarin Session: 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
  • Location: Room S-P8, Sir John A. Macdonald School
  • Ages: 3-4 yrs + adult

This free class is a fantastic opportunity for parents and toddlers to engage in a lively, interactive music and storytelling experience. The session is tailored to help children explore the Chinese language and culture through songs and stories in Cantonese and Mandarin. It’s not only a great way to introduce your child to the beauty of these languages, but also a fun way to stimulate their imagination and learning.

Please sign up in advance to secure your spot, as spaces are limited. Use the Google Form link provided below to register for your preferred session. Don’t miss this delightful experience—reserve your spot today and join us for a memorable exciting session!

Sign Up Here

We look forward to welcoming you and your toddler to what promises to be a joyful and enriching experience!

五月家长通讯 May Parent Newsletter Tuesday, May 7, 2024



2024-2025 学年中文班及兴趣班早注册


  • 第二期早注册费用 – $410 (已优惠$40)
  • 第二期早注册将于在61611:59PM星期日截止
  • 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费




  • 中文班在线注册请访问:在此点击
  • 兴趣班在线注册请访问:在此点击
  • 亲临中央街维德广场办公室:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm, 星期五 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • 亲临JGD校区#121 办公室:星期六9 am – 4 pm

同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2024 年 10 月领取。

如符合条件者可以获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。




日期:2024 年 5 月 25 日星期六

粤语时段:上午 9:15 – 上午 10:00

普通话时段:下午 1:15 – 下午 2:00

地点: Sir John A. Macdonald School S-P8课室




由于每班只限10名学生,请使用下面提供的 Google Form链接来选择合适的时段,请尽快报名以预留名额。先报先得,机会难得,不容错过,快加入我们吧!



第二学期考试——5 4 日星期六

  • 如果学生无法参加考试,延后考试日期为 5 月 11 日星期六。
  • 延期考试成绩将按85%计算。
  • 请注意,第二学期考试后至 5 月 25 日期间将正常上课。

维多利亚女皇诞辰长周末假期 518日星期六




  • 幼儿园、小学部毕业典礼:上午 10 点至11点半
  • 初中、高中部毕业典礼:下午 1 点至 3 点

更多详细信息将在 5 月底通过电子邮件发给毕业班学生及家长。

第二学期成绩单——6 6 日星期六



如果您在 6 月 11 日星期二之前还没有收到学生成绩单,请发电邮至 thechineseacademy@gmail.com 或致电 403-777-7663 与我们联系。

高中部学生可于 6 月底登陆亚省教育厅学生账号MyPass 系统上查看我校中文课程成绩及学分。



失物招领箱将放在JGD校区一楼大堂询问处。请有遗失物品的学生家长尽快认领。5 月 25 日之后所有无人认领物品将会被捐赠。


家长对我们学校和老师的肯定与赞赏,一直是我们前进的动力。我们诚挚地邀请您在亚省中文学校 Google 评论页面上分享您的正面反馈,这将是对我们学校及老师的极大鼓励。



The second semester TCA examinations will be conducted on Saturday, May 4. The Chinese Academy wishes all of our students the best of luck in their exams.

Please kindly read the email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

2024-2025 Phase 2 Early Bird & Option Classes Registration

The 2024-2025 Early Bird Registration Phase 2 early bird registration has begun.

  • Phase 2 early bird registration tuition – $410 ($40 discount applied)
  • Phase 2 early bird registration ends on Sunday, June 16th, 2024 at 11:59PM.
  • Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee.

Please note that early registration is crucial for our school’s planning.

Referral Gift Card

Parents are encouraged to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available starting in October 2024.

Registration Options

  • Chinese classes online registration – Click Here
  • Option classes online registration – Click Here
  • In-person registration at the Centre Street office – Tuesday to Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm, Friday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • In-person registration at the Saturday JGD school campus office – Saturday 9 am – 4 pm

Registering for both Chinese and Option Classes

Students who register for both Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for pick up starting in October 2024.

KidSport Financial Bursary

KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information.

Discover the Joy of Chinese Music and Storytime: Free Pilot Class for Parents and Toddlers

We are excited to invite you and your little ones to a special Chinese Music and Storytime event at The Chinese Academy. Join us for a fun class filled with music, stories and language development!

Session Details:

  • Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024
  • Cantonese Session: 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Mandarin Session: 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
  • Location: Room S-P8, Sir John A. Macdonald School
  • Ages: 3-4 yrs + adult

This free class is a fantastic opportunity for parents and toddlers to engage in a lively, interactive music and storytelling experience. The session is tailored to help children explore the Chinese language and culture through songs and stories in Cantonese and Mandarin. It’s not only a great way to introduce your child to the beauty of these languages, but also a fun way to stimulate their imagination and learning.

Please sign up in advance to secure your spot, as spaces are limited. Use the Google Form link provided below to register for your preferred session. Don’t miss this delightful experience—reserve your spot today and join us for a memorable exciting session!

Sign Up Here

We look forward to welcoming you and your toddler to what promises to be a joyful and enriching experience!

Second Semester Exam – Saturday, May 4

If the student is unable to attend, the deferred exam date is Saturday, May 11.

For deferred exams, the exam mark will be deducted by 15%.

Please note that there will be regular classes after the second semester exam until May 25, except for May 18.

Victoria Day Long Weekend – Saturday, May 18

There will be no school on Saturday, May 18 due to Victoria Day Holiday. School will resume on May 25, which is the last day of school.

2024 Graduation

The Chinese Academy 2024 Graduation Ceremony will be on June 1.

  • Kindergarten and Elementary Graduation Ceremony: 10 am to 11:30 am
  • Junior and Senior High Graduation Ceremony: 1 pm to 3 pm

More details will be sent to graduating classes via email by the end of May.

Second Semester Report Card – Saturday, June 6

Students who have missed assignments throughout the second semester will need to submit their completed assignments on or before May 11. Missed assignments after this date may be reflected on their report card.

The Chinese Academy will distribute the second semester report cards via email by June 6.

If you have not received the student’s report card by Tuesday, June 11, please email us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com or call us at 403-777-7663.

For high school students, their marks will be reported to Alberta Education by the end of June. It can be viewed on the student’s Alberta Education myPass account.

Lost and Found

The Chinese Academy will be clearing our lost and found on May 25. We will be placing our lost and found outside the office near the Information Desk in May.

All unclaimed items after May 25 will be donated.

Google Review

We greatly value your appreciation for our school and teachers, as it serves as the driving force behind The Chinese Academy school community. We invite you to share your positive feedback on The Chinese Academy’s Google Review page, as it will be a tremendous source of encouragement for both our school and teachers.

Feel free to mention the student’s class in your review, but kindly refrain from including the teacher’s name to protect their privacy. We sincerely appreciate your support and cooperation.

Review Link: Click Here

四月家长通讯 April Parent Newsletter Friday, April 5, 2024



2024-2025 学年中文班及兴趣班早注册信息

2024-2025 第一期早注册优惠至415 11:59PM 星期一截止

  • 第一期早注册费用$390 (已优惠$60)
  • 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费


  • 第二期早注册费用 – $410 (已优惠$40)
  • 第二期早注册将于在61611:59PM星期日截止
  • 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费




  • 中文班在线注册请访问:在此点击
  • 兴趣班在线注册请访问:在此点击
  • 亲临中央街维德广场办公室:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm, 星期五 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • 亲临JGD校区#121 办公室:星期六9 am – 4 pm

同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2024 年 10 月领取。

如符合条件者可以获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。


2024硬笔书法比赛获奖作品将于 4 月中旬至5月中旬在John G. Diefenbaker High School一楼大堂展示,敬请家长欣赏,热烈祝贺所有获奖学生。

第二学期考试——5 4 日星期六


提早考试日期:4 月 27 日星期六

延期考试日期:5 月 11 日星期六



由4月起,失物招领箱将放在JGD一楼大堂询问处。请有遗失物品的学生家长尽快认领。5 25 之后所有剩余无人认领物品将会被捐赠。




We hope you had a wonderful Spring Break! This is our April Newsletter, and we kindly ask parents and students to carefully read this email, as it contains important reminders and information.

2024-2025 Early Bird & Option Classes Registration

The 2024-2025 Early Bird Registration Phase 1 ends on Monday, April 15 at 11:59PM.

  • Phase 1 early bird registration tuition – $390 ($60 discount applied)
  • Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee.

The 2024-2025 Early Bird Registration Phase 2 early bird registration starts Tuesday, April 16.

  • Phase 2 early bird registration tuition – $410 ($40 discount applied)
  • Phase 2 early bird registration ends on Sunday, June 16th, 2024 at 11:59PM.
  • Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee.

Please note that early registration is crucial for our school’s planning.

Referral Gift Card

Parents are encouraged to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available starting in October 2024.

Registration Options

  • Chinese classes online registration – Click Here
  • Option classes online registration – Click Here
  • In-person registration at the Centre Street office – Tuesday to Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm, Friday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • In-person registration at the Saturday JGD school campus office – Saturday 9 am – 4 pm

Registering for both Chinese and Option Classes

Students who register for both Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for pick up starting in October 2024.

KidSport Financial Bursary

KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information.

Calligraphy Competition Display

Calligraphy Competition winners will be displayed outside of the JGD office starting mid-April until mid-May. Congratulations to all the winners.

Second Semester Exam – Saturday, May 4

If a student is unable to attend on May 4th, please email our office before April 25th to arrange for an early or deferred exam date. Requests received after April 25th will not be accepted.

Early Exam Date: Saturday, April 27

Deferred Exam Date: Saturday, May 11

For any deferred exam, there will be a 15% deduction from the exam mark.

Lost and Found

The Chinese Academy will be conducting a lost and found clearance on May 25th. Starting in April, we will be relocating our lost and found area outside the #121 office, near the Information Desk.

All unclaimed items after May 25th will be donated.

Learning Resource: “The Power of Language”

Please visit the link below for your reference: https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/04/05/the-power-of-language-5-ways-multilingual-brains-work-differently

春假通知 Spring Break Notice Thursday, March 21, 2024



There will be no classes on March 23 and March 30. We will be resuming classes on Saturday, April 6. Our office will be going on break from March 23 to April 1 and will resume service starting Tuesday, April 2.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at thechineseacademy@gmail.com.

三月家长通讯 March Parent Newsletter Friday, March 8, 2024





春季假期: 不上课

  • 3 月 23 日星期六
  • 3月 30 日星期六


  • 3月23日星期六至4月1日星期一

2024-2025 学年中文班及兴趣班早注册信息

2024-2025 第一期早注册优惠至4月15日星期一

  • 第一期早注册费用$390 (已优惠$60 )
  • 此费用包含全学年学费及书簿费




  • 中文班在线注册请访问:Click Here
  • 兴趣班在线注册请访问:Click Here
  • 亲临中央街维德广场办公室:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5 pm, 星期五 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • 亲临JGD校区#121 办公室:星期六9 am – 4 pm

同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2024 年 10 月领取。

如符合条件者可以获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。








  • 主体育馆、教师洗手间及员工休息室和餐厅入口之间的整条走廊
  • 地下室区域
  • 二楼图书馆区域








Spring is quickly approaching. The Chinese Academy wishes everyone a safe and wonderful spring time.

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

Calligraphy Competition

Our school’s annual Calligraphy Competition will be held on Saturday, March 9th.

Spring Break and Easter Holiday: No School

  • Saturday, March 23rd, 2024
  • Saturday, March 30th, 2024

Office Spring Break

  • Saturday, March 23 to Monday, April 1

2024-2025 Early Bird & Option Classes Registration

2024-2025 Early Bird Registration phase 1 ends Monday, April 15 at 11:59PM.

  • Phase 1 early bird registration tuition price – $390 ($60 discount)
  • Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee.

Please note that registering early is very important to our school’s planning.

Parents are encouraged to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available starting in October 2024.

Registration options:

  • Chinese classes online registration – Click Here
  • Option classes online registration – Click Here
  • In-person registration at the Centre Street Office – Tuesday to Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm, Friday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • In-person registration at the Saturday JGD Office – Saturday 9 am – 4 pm

Students who register for both Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for pick up starting in October 2024.

KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information.

Indoor Shoes

The Chinese Academy would like to remind students to bring indoor shoes to maintain a clean campus building. Let’s all do our part to keep the campus buildings clean. Thank you for your cooperation.

Students Not Permitted to Bring Personal Valuable Items to School

A reminder that students are to keep all valuable personal belongings at home. They are not permitted to bring any of these items to school or to share with their classmates. TCA cannot be held responsible for any breakage or loss of any personal items including phones, money, toys and so forth. This practice acts as a distraction to the overall teaching and learning environment.

No Student Entry Zones

A reminder that students are only permitted to enter their own classroom at any time when a teacher is present. Students can access the supervised hallways & student washrooms during recess. Students can also access the SJAM gymnasium during recess time when available & supervised. Students cannot access any restricted areas in either John G. Diefenbaker or Sir John A Macdonald school at any time. At Diefenbaker, this includes:

  1. The hallway between the Main Gymnasium, teacher washrooms/ staff room and cafeteria entrance
  2. The basement area
  3. The second-floor library area

This permits TCA to provide the safest and most secure building for our entire community during the entire school day.

Student Absence

A reminder to parents and students that in the event of illness or any other unavoidable events leading to an absence, it is essential to notify both your child’s teacher via email. It is preferred that you first email your child’s teacher and subsequently forward the message to the TCA office email.

The 7th Global Chinese Speech Competition

The Chinese Language and Culture Education Foundation of China is organizing the 7th Global Chinese Speech Competition. Children and teenagers aged 3-18 years old can participate in the contest, either in Mandarin or Cantonese. Student works should be submitted via email to our school office by March 28. For more information, please refer to the attachment.

二月家长通讯 February Parent Newsletter Tuesday, February 13, 2024



中国农历新年及二月家庭日假期(210日、17日星期六) —— 不上课

温馨提醒: 2024 年 2 月 10 日、17日星期六为中国农历新年及家庭日假期,不用上课。

2024-2025 早注册优惠


  • 第一期早注册优惠价为$390(已扣除$60 折扣)4月15日11:59PM之前注册可获得优惠。
  • 此费用包括全学年学费及书簿费




  • 在线注册请访问:点击这里
  • 亲临中央街维德广场办公室:星期二至星期四9:30 am – 5:00 pm, 星期五 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • 亲临JGD校区#121 办公室:星期六9 am – 4 pm

2024-2025 兴趣班注册

我校设有适合所有年龄段的兴趣班(6 岁儿童到成人)。如需了解 2024-2025 学年兴趣班课程列表,请点击这里

同时注册中文班和兴趣班的学生将获得$10礼品卡。此礼品卡将于 2024 年 10 月开始领取。

如符合条件还可获得 KidSport 助学金,请联系办公室了解更多信息。


2024年IB 口语考试于2月24日在 John G. Diefenbaker High School 二楼图书馆区域继续进行。请在JGD校区二楼上课的班级在走廊尽量保持安静,共同创设良好的考试环境给12年级IB学生。


请特别留意位于John G. Diefenbaker高中和Sir John A. Macdonald学校之间的停车场。家长须将车辆停在预设停车位内,请勿停到草地上。 敬请遵守停车场内指示牌规定,以确保学校安全。






  1. 主体育馆、教师洗手间及员工休息室和餐厅入口之间的整条走廊
  2. 整个地下室区域
  3. 二楼整个图书馆区域





The Chinese Academy wishes our school community a wonderful Chinese New Year with your family and friends.

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

Chinese New Year and Family Day Holiday (Saturday, February 10 & 17) – No School

This is a friendly reminder there are no classes on Saturday, February 10 and 17, 2024, due to Chinese New Year and Family Day.

2024-2025 Early Bird Registration – Phase 1 Deadline: April 15, 2024 11:59 PM

The 2023-2024 Early Bird Registration has already begun.

  • Phase 1 early bird registration tuition price – $390 ($60 discount already applied)
  • Tuition includes the full school year and the textbook fee.

The Chinese Academy would like to remind parents that registering early is very important to our school’s planning.

Parents are welcome to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referee will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available for collection starting in October 2024.

Registration options:

  • Online registration – Click Here
  • In-person registration Centre Street Office – Tuesday to Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm, Friday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • In-person registration Saturday JGD Office – Saturday 9 am – 4 pm

2024-2025 Option Classes Registration

We have option classes for all ages from children as young as 6 to adults. Please see the link below for our list of offered option classes for the 2024-2025 school year.

Students who register for both Chinese classes and Option classes will receive a $10 gift card. This gift card will be available for collection starting in October 2024.

KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information.

Click Here

IB Internal Assessment – Quiet Zone Requirements on JGD Second Floor

IB Internal Assessments will continue on Saturday, February 24, 2024 in the John G. Diefenbaker High School second floor library area. The Chinese Academy would like to remind students with classes on the second floor of the John G. Diefenbaker High School to remain as quiet as possible in the upstairs hallways.

Saturday Parking

A friendly reminder to parents in the parking lot between the John G. Diefenbaker High School and Sir John A. MacDonald School – please stay within the paved parking lot and do not park on the grassy areas. In addition, please follow any signage in the parking lot to ensure the safety of everyone.

Students Not Permitted to Bring Personal Valuable Items to School

A reminder that students are to keep all valuable personal belongings at home. They are not permitted to bring any of these items to school or to share with their classmates. TCA cannot be held responsible for any breakage or loss of any personal items including phones, money, toys and so forth. This practice acts as a distraction to the overall teaching and learning environment.

No Student Entry Zones

A reminder that students are only permitted to enter their own classroom at any time when a teacher is present. Students can access the supervised hallways & student washrooms during recess. Students can also access the SJAM gymnasium during recess time when available & supervised. Students cannot access any restricted areas in either John G. Diefenbaker or Sir John A Macdonald school at any time. At Diefenbaker, this includes:

  • The entire hallway between the Main Gymnasium, teacher washrooms/ staff room and cafeteria entrance
  • The entire basement area
  • The entire library area

This permits TCA to provide the safest and most secure building for our entire community during the entire school day.

Student Absence

A reminder to parents and students that in the event of illness or any other unavoidable events leading to an absence, it is essential to notify both your child’s teacher and the TCA office via email. It is preferred that you first email your child’s teacher and subsequently forward the message to the TCA office email.

极寒天气事项 Weather Event Thursday, January 11, 2024

极寒天气事项一月十三日 星期六







Weather Event – Saturday, January 13

The extreme cold weather forecast for Saturday, January 13 will make traveling to and from The Chinese Academy school (TCA) more challenging for families. Families are reminded that extra caution should be taken during the winter months and periods of extreme weather.

TCA Rarely Closes Due to Snow or Cold Temperatures

We anticipate that TCA will remain open to provide a safe, warm and secure environment for students.

Assume TCA is open unless you hear otherwise from our school. Information regarding any school closure will be posted on our TCA website and emailed to parents.

Report Student Absences

We respect the right of parents/guardians to make their own decisions about sending their children to school. If your child will not be attending classes, ensure you contact the teacher via email to report the absence. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this winter weather event.

一月家长通讯 January Parent Newsletter Thursday, January 11, 2024


2023-2024 学年下学期将于2024年1月13日开始。以下是一月家长通讯重要内容,敬请垂注。

2024-2025 学年早注册优惠

2024-2025学年中文课程早注册将于1月13日开始!早注册可享受$60 折扣,优惠价为$390,此费用包括全学年学费及书簿费。





家长也可以于办公时间亲临维德广场办公室或星期六上课日于 JGD #121 室办公室进行注册。


亚省中文学校将于2024年1月20日之前通过电子邮件发送第一学期学生成绩单。如果您在2024年1月30日之前还没有收到学生成绩单,请发邮件至 thechineseacademy@gmail.com。家长可以到学校办公室要求打印纸质版成绩单。




价格:每张 $10.00



上午班合照购买链接 (合照 1): 请点击

下午班合照购买链接 (合照 2): 请点击


第二学期将于 2024 年 1 月 13日开学。幼儿园至9年级第二学期插班学生学费为$220。欢迎新学生点击以下链接注册:第二学期中文班注册





2023年IB 口语考试将于1月27日、2月3日、2月24日进行。预祝 12年级IB学生考试成功!



我们在我校网站上建立了一个爱心捐赠平台。 请使用此链接访问捐赠页面:


Wishing you and your families a Very Happy New Year! 

The 2023-2024 second semester will begin on Saturday, January 13, 2024. Please kindly read this January parent newsletter carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

2024-2025 Early Bird Registration

The 2024-2025 Early Bird Registration begins on Saturday, January 13, 2024. The early bird registration price is $390. This is a $60 discount. The tuition fee is for the full school year and includes the textbook fee. 

The Chinese Academy would like to remind parents that registering early is very important to our school’s planning. We really appreciate your help with our 2024-2025 school preparation.

Parents are welcome to share the registration information of our school with your relatives and friends. Referees will receive a $10 gift card for every new student referral. This gift card will be available for pick up in October 2024.

Parents can register via our online registration system.

Click Here

Parents can also register in-person at our Centre Street Office or at our Saturday JGD office in Room 121 during our operating hours. 

First Semester Report Cards

The Chinese Academy will distribute the first semester report cards via email by January 20, 2024. If you have not received the student’s report card by January 30, 2024, please email thechineseacademy@gmail.com. If you require a hard copy of the report card, please visit our office to request one.

School Photo Order

The 2023-2024 school photos are ready for purchase on our school website.

Print size: 8 inches by 12 inches

Price per photo: $10.00

Purchase deadline: February 3, 2024

Prints can be picked up from our Centre Street office during our operating hours starting February 24, 2024.

Morning Class Photo Purchase Link (Photo 1): Click Here

Afternoon Class Photo Purchase Link (Photo 2): Click Here

Second Semester Chinese Classes for New Students

The second semester Chinese classes will begin on January 13, 2024. The Chinese Academy is offering reduced tuition rates for all kindergarten to grade 9 students starting in the second semester. New students are welcome to register here: Second Semester Registration

Second Semester Option Classes for New Students

New students who are interested in registering for the second semester option classes starting January 20, 2024, please email us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com or call us at 403-777-7663.

Option Classes available for January 2024.

IB Oral Internal Assessment

IB Oral Internal Assessment will begin on Saturday, January 27, 2024 until Saturday, February 24, 2024. Exam location will be announced at a later date.

School Donations

We welcome all financial donations. Your support gives us the resources to provide many unique activities, programs and initiatives that are special to our school. All donors will receive a charitable tax receipt and a thank you letter from TCA. All donors who have donated in the categories of Bronze and above will receive a special certificate and their donation/category on our TCA website.

We have set up a user-friendly donation platform on our website. Please visit the donation page linked below.

Donation Categories:

冬假通知 Winter Break Notice Friday, December 22, 2023



Our office will be going on winter break starting from December 24. We will resume regular operating hours from 9:30am to 5pm starting Tuesday, January 9th, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at thechineseacademy@gmail.com.

The Chinese Academy 亚省中文学校

十二月家长通讯 December Parent Newsletter Saturday, December 9, 2023



第一学期考试 —— 129日星期六



圣诞节新年假期 —— 不上课


学校维德广场办公室将于 2023 年 12 月 24 日星期日到 2024 年 1 月 8 日星期一放假,2024年 1 月 9 日星期二将恢复办公。


亚省中文学校将于2024年1月20日之前通过电子邮件发送第一学期学生成绩单。如果您在2024年1月30日之前还没有收到学生成绩单,请发邮件至 thechineseacademy@gmail.com。家长可以到学校办公室要求打印纸质版成绩单。




价格:每张 $10.00



上午班合照购买链接 (合照 1): 请点击

下午班合照购买链接 (合照 2): 请点击


第二学期将于 2024 年 1 月 13日开学。幼儿园至9年级第二学期插班学生学费为$220。欢迎新学生点击以下链接注册:第二学期中文班注册




KidSport 助学金



欢迎您与亲朋好友分享我们学校的注册信息。我们将给推荐新学生到我们学校的人士一张$10的礼品卡作为感谢。如果您已推荐学生就读亚省中文学校,请您周六在John G. Diefenbaker高中#121办公室或周二至周四在维德广场办公室领取 $10 礼品卡。


对于因特殊情况需要提前离校的学生,父母/监护人必须在位于 John G. Diefenbaker High School 办公室填写一份提前放学通知单,或提前以电邮通知老师,再由家长/监护人直接到课室接学生离开。




我们在我校网站上建立了一个爱心捐赠平台。 请使用此链接访问捐赠页面:点击此处



The Chinese Academy wishes our school community a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. 

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

First Semester Exam – Saturday, December 9

First Semester Exams for all students are on Saturday, December 9, 2023.

If the student is unable to attend, please email our office to arrange an alternate date. Early exams were scheduled on Saturday, December 2, 2023. Deferred exams can be scheduled from December 12 to 16. For any deferred exam, the final exam marks will be deducted by 15%.

Christmas and New Year Holiday – No School

This is a friendly reminder the last day of classes before the Christmas and New Year Holiday is Saturday, December 23. We look forward to seeing everyone back after the holiday break on Saturday, January 13, 2024!

The office will also be going on holiday break starting from Sunday, December 24, 2023, to Monday, January 8, 2024. We will be back to normal operating hours on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

First Semester Report Cards

The Chinese Academy will be distributing the first semester report cards via emails by January 20, 2024. If you have not received the student’s report card by January 30, 2023, please email us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com. If you require a hard copy of the report card, please visit our office to request for one.

School Photo Order

The 2023-2024 school photos are ready for purchase on our school’s website.

Print size: 8 inches by 12 inches

Price per photo: $10.00

Purchase deadline: February 3, 2024

Prints can be picked up from our Centre Street office during our operating hours starting February 24, 2024.

Morning Class Photo Purchase Link (Photo 1): Click Here

Afternoon Class Photo Purchase Link (Photo 2): Click Here

Second Semester Chinese Classes for New Students

The second semester will be beginning on January 13, 2024. The Chinese Academy is offering reduced tuition rates for all kindergarten to grade 9 classes for students starting in the second semester. New students are welcome to register with us: Second Semester Registration

Second Semester Option Classes for New Students

For new students who are interested in registering for the second semester option classes starting January 13, 2024, please email us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com or call us at 403-777-7663.

Option Classes available for January 2024.

KidSport Financial Bursary

The Chinese Academy would like to encourage and assist children from families with financial needs to enjoy sports. KidSport Financial Bursary are available to apply at our office. Applicants must submit valid income documents.

Referral Gift Card

If you have referred a student to attend The Chinese Academy, you can collect your $10 gift card at our John G. Diefenbaker High School room 121 office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.

Student Safety

For students who are required to leave class early due to extenuating circumstances, their parents/guardians are required to complete an early dismissal form from the Saturday office located in John G. Diefenbaker High School – room 121. Then the parents/guardians can pick up the student(s) directly from their classroom. Alternatively, parents/guardians can also notify the teacher via email for early dismissals.

If your child is not feeling well, please prioritize their well-being and keep them at home. Our teachers will provide necessary resources to keep them engaged during any necessary absence. Thank you for your cooperation.

School Donations

We welcome all financial donations. Your support gives us the resources to provide many unique activities, programs and initiatives that are special to our school. All donors will receive a charitable tax receipt and a thank you letter from TCA. All donors who have donated in the categories of Bronze and above will receive a special certificate and their donation/category on our TCA website.

We have set up a user-friendly donation platform on our website. Please visit the donation page with this link: Click Here

Donation Categories:

Thank you for your continued support.

卡城高中生市级排球锦标赛 Volleyball City Championship Thursday, November 16, 2023

Special Announcement: John G. Diefenbaker High School Volleyball City Championship on Saturday, November 18th

Please be informed that John G. Diefenbaker High School will be hosting the prestigious Volleyball City Championship on November 18th. To ensure the smooth flow of the event and the safety of all participants, please read the special notice below carefully.

Parking Lot Supervision

Due to the expected high attendance, our parking lots will be over capacity. We kindly request your cooperation in carpooling or utilizing alternative transportation options to ease congestion. To manage the overflow in the parking lots, additional supervision will be in place. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

TCA Information Desk

The TCA Information Desk, located in the main foyer near the first aid room, will have registration materials for interested parents. Feel free to visit this station for any additional information or assistance you may need during the event.

TCA Parents and Students Not Permitted to Enter the Diefenbaker Main and East Gymnasiums

Please do not enter the John G. Diefenbaker Main and East Gymnasiums as they are rented by the High School Volleyball City Championship group.

Thank you for your cooperation.

放假通知 Remembrance Day Holiday Notice Thursday, November 9, 2023

放假通知 Remembrance Day Holiday Notice





Our office will be going on break starting from November 10. We will resume regular operating hours from 9am to 5pm starting Tuesday, November 14.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at thechineseacademy@gmail.com.

The Chinese Academy 亚省中文学校

十一月家长通讯 November Parent Newsletter Wednesday, November 8, 2023






2023-2024 校历表:请点击




提前考试定于12月2日进行。延期考试安排在 12月16日。延迟考试的成绩将按总成绩85%计算。


亚省中文学校将于11月18日举办本年度幼儿园到小学美劳比赛。小学部学生请自备彩色铅笔、固体胶、儿童剪刀等文具。获奖者作品将于十二月初在John G. Diefenbaker High School大堂展出,欢迎学生家长观赏。







对于因特殊情况需要提前离校的学生,父母/监护人必须在位于 John G. Diefenbaker High School 办公室填写一份提前放学通知单,再由家长/监护人直接到课室接学生离开。

John G. Diefenbaker High School 二楼班级接送学生流程

为了加强校园安全,并于放学前为John G. Diefenbaker High School二楼上课的班级保持安静良好的学习环境,我们要求家长配合并遵循以下规则:

  1. 敬请家长不要上二楼接学生放学。
  2. 在一楼指定地点接学生放学。
  3. 二楼所在班级老师都将带学生到一楼指定区域放学。如果家长/监护人没有按时来接学生,老师会带学生到#121办公室。



John G. Diefenbaker 学校进出校门规定

上课前后 – 三个入口:JGD南门、北门和正门 (西门)

上午 8:45 – 上午 9:15(上学)

上午 11:45 -下午 1:15(放学至下午上学)

下午 3:45 – 下午 4:15(放学)


上课期间 – 只有一个入口:JGD南门

上午 9:15 – 上午 11:45

下午 1:15 – 下午 3:45

JGD 南门将是唯一入口,由学校安全指导老师监管。北门和正门仅可用于离开校舍。

Sir John A. Macdonald 学校进出校门规定

全天仅限一个入口:SJAM 北门

上午 8:45 – 下午 4:15


KidSport 助学金





Another month has passed, and The Chinese Academy is nearing the end of the first semester. We hope everyone is staying safe and warm after our first snowfall of the year.

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

Remembrance Day – No School, Saturday November 11th

There are no classes on Saturday, November 11th respecting Remembrance Day. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Saturday, November 18th!

The office will be going on break from Friday, November 10th to Monday, November 13th. We will be back to normal operating hours on Tuesday, November 14th.

2023-2024 School Calendar: Click Here

First Semester Exam – Saturday December 9th

First Semester Exams for all students is on Saturday, December 9th. Please encourage your student to spend time studying for this important exam.

If the student is unable to attend, please email your teacher and our office by November 28th to arrange an alternate date. Early exams are scheduled on Saturday December 2nd to be conducted by the teacher. Deferred exams can be scheduled on December 16th. For any deferred exams, the final marks will be deducted by 15%.

Arts & Crafts Competition

The Chinese Academy will be conducting our annual Arts & Crafts Competition from Kindergarten to Grade 6 on Saturday, November 18th. Elementary class students are required to bring their own colour pencils for the competition. Works of the competition winners and class finalists will be on display outside of the Saturday Office in John G. Diefenbaker High School room 121 in early December.

Indoor Shoes

Winter is here! The Chinese Academy would like to remind students to bring indoor shoes to maintain a clean campus building. Let’s all do our part to keep the campus buildings clean. Thank you for your cooperation.

Campus Safety

The Chinese Academy would like to remind all students, regardless of their grade, that they are not allowed to leave the campus buildings during class hours including recess. Prior written permission is required from the parents/guardians and school administration.

For students who are required to leave class early due to extenuating circumstances, their parents/guardians are required to complete an early dismissal form from the Saturday office located in John G. Diefenbaker High School – room 121. Then the parents/guardians can pick up the student(s) directly from their classroom. Alternatively, parents/guardians can also notify the teacher via email for early dismissals.

Driving and Parking Lots

With winter arriving, the parking lots are often icy and slippery. Drive safely at all times. Please remind your children to walk carefully, and watch diligently for cars in the parking lots as they enter and exit the schools.

Pick Up Procedures for John G. Diefenbaker High School Second Floor Classes

To enhance the safety of all our students and maintain a quiet learning environment for our John G. Diefenbaker High School second floor classes until exit times, we are requesting our families to follow the rules:

  1. Parents are NOT permitted to go up to the second floor for student pick up.
  2. Meet your children on the first floor at their designated meeting area at the bottom of their assigned exit staircase.
  3. Each teacher will be escorting their students to the designated dismissal area. Our teachers will ensure all their students have been picked up. If the student has not been picked up by their parent/guardian, the teacher will bring the student to the main office at room 121.

External Doors Access Policies

During tournaments or JGD school events, all external doors will be unlocked. Please be aware that this is a temporary arrangement, and the regular locking/unlocking schedule for all external doors will resume the following week.

John G. Diefenbaker High School Entrance Points

Door Unlocked Times – Three Points of Entry: JGD South Door, JGD North Door and JGD West Main Door

  • 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
  • 11:45 AM -1:15 PM
  • 3:45 PM – 4:15 PM

All three JGD points of entry will be supervised during these times mentioned above.

Class Hours – ONLY One Point of Entry: JGD South Door

  • 9:15 AM – 11:45 PM
  • 1:15 PM – 3:45 PM

The JGD South Door will be the only access/entrance point and will be supervised during class times. The North Door and Main Door will be available only for exiting the building.

Sir John A. Macdonald School Entrance Point

ALL DAY ONLY One Point of Entry: The SJAM North Door

  • 8:45 AM – 4:15 PM

The SJAM North door, one point of entry, will be supervised during the entire school day – 8:45 AM – 4:15 PM.

The SJAM Main door will also be available only for exiting the building during the entire day.

KidSport Financial Bursary

KidSport Financial Bursary available for those who qualify. Please contact the office for more information. Please note that there are still available spaces in our badminton classes.

To register for the badminton class: click here

各 IB学校国际文凭课程信息开放日 IB Information Evenings/Open Houses Schedule Thursday, October 26, 2023


Event 学校活动 Date 日期 Time 时间
John G. Diefenbaker High School IB Information Evening 1 Tuesday, November 21, 2023 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Sir Winston Churchill High School IB Information Evening 1 Tuesday, November 21, 2023 5:30pm
John G. Diefenbaker High School IB Information Evening 2 Wednesday, November 22, 2023 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Western Canada High School IB Information Evening Monday, November 27, 2023 6:00pm
Sir Winston Churchill High School IB Information Evening 2 Wednesday, November 29, 2023 5:30pm
Henry Wise Wood High School IB Information Evening (In Person) Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:00pm
Sir Winston Churchill High School IB Information Evening 3 Thursday, December 07, 2023 5:30pm
Henry Wise Wood High School IB Information Evening (Online) Wednesday, January 17, 2024 TBD
Henry Wise Wood High School Open House Monday, January 29, 2024 7:00pm
Western Canada Open House Tuesday, January 30, 2024 6:00pm
十月家长通讯 October Parent Newsletter Tuesday, October 17, 2023






地点:John G. Diefenbaker 高中主体育馆

上午班拍照时间:上午11:10 – 11:30

下午班拍照时间:下午1:20 – 1:35

如果推荐新学生来就读亚省中文学校,您可获得 $10 礼品卡奖励。家长可以在星期六前来 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。

如果同时注册了我校兴趣班和中文班的学生,也可获得$10礼品卡奖励。家长可以在星期六前来 John G. Diefenbaker高中 #121校务处领取,或星期二至星期四到维德广场办公室领取。

John G. Diefenbaker High School 二楼班级接送学生流程

为了加强校园安全,并于放学前为John G. Diefenbaker High School二楼上课的班级保持安静良好的学习环境,我们要求家长配合并遵循以下规则:

  1. 敬请家长不要上二楼。
  2. 在一楼指定地点接学生放学。
  3. 二楼所在班级老师都将带学生到一楼指定区域放学。如果家长/监护人没有按时来接学生,老师会带学生到#121办公室。

如果您有任何疑问,请随时发送电子邮件至 thechineseacademy@gmail.com 联系我们。



Thank you for a smooth start to the new school year! Over the past month, we have thoroughly enjoyed having your child back learning with us at The Chinese Academy (TCA).

Please kindly read this email carefully, as it contains important reminders and information.

Media Consent
The deadline for the Media Consent Form was Saturday, October 14th. If you do NOT give consent, please visit the link below to complete the form at your earliest convenience.

Link: Click Here

Photo Day
Our school will be taking the annual school photo on Saturday, October 21st, 2023. Please see below for the details:

Location: Main Gym of John G. Diefenbaker High School

Picture Time for Morning Classes: 11:10am – 11:30am

Picture Time for Afternoon Classes: 1:20pm – 1:35pm

Referral Gift Card
If you have referred a student to attend The Chinese Academy, you can collect your $10 gift card at our John G. Diefenbaker office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.

Option Class – Chinese Class Gift Card
If your child has registered for both option class and Chinese class with us, you can collect your $10 gift card at the John G. Diefenbaker office on Saturday or our main office on Centre Street from Tuesday to Thursday.

Pick Up Procedures for John G. Diefenbaker High School Second Floor Classes

To enhance the safety of all our students and maintain a quiet learning environment for our John G. Diefenbaker High School second floor classes until exit times, we are requesting our families to follow the rules:

  1. Parents are NOT permitted to go up to the second floor.
  2. Meet your children on the first floor at their designated meeting area at the bottom of their assigned exit staircase.
  3. Each teacher will be escorting their students to the designated dismissal area. Our teachers will ensure all their students have been picked up. If the student has not been picked up by their parent/guardian, the teacher will bring the student to the main office at room 121.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com.

接送学生流程 Pick Up Procedures Wednesday, October 4, 2023

为了加强校园安全,并于放学前为John G. Diefenbaker High School二楼上课的班级保持安静良好的学习环境,我们要求家长配合并遵循以下规则:

  1. 敬请家长不要上二楼。
  2. 在一楼指定地点接学生放学(请查阅附件地图)。
  3. 二楼所在班级老师都将带学生到一楼指定区域放学。如果家长/监护人没有按时来接学生,老师会带学生到#121办公室。


A区 (粉红色) – 135和136房间外的区域(218、219、220和226课室)

H区 (橙色) – 中间楼梯和科学实验室外的区域(227和228课室)

J 区 (蓝色) – 体育馆入口和螺旋楼梯下的大堂区域(229、230和233课室)



To enhance the safety of all our students and maintain a quiet learning environment for our John G. Diefenbaker High School second floor classes until exit times, we are requesting our families to follow the rules:

  1. Parents are NOT permitted to go up to the second floor.
  2. Meet your children on the first floor at their designated meeting area at the bottom of their assigned exit staircase (see attached map).
  3. Each teacher will be escorting their students to the designated dismissal area. Our teachers will ensure all their students have been picked up. If the student has not been picked up by their parent/guardian, the teacher will bring the student to the main office at room 121.

The three designated areas on the first floor are:

  1. Area A (Pink) – area outside room 135 and 136 (for rooms 218, 219, 220 and 226)
  2. Area H (Orange) – area outside the central staircase and the science lab (for rooms 227 and 228)
  3. Area J (Blue) – mall area outside the main gym entrance and the spiral staircase (for rooms 229, 230 and 233)

Thank you for your cooperation.

开学通知 School Opening Notice Monday, September 18, 2023

We are very excited to have your children joining us for Chinese classes in the 2023-2024 school year.


In accordance with the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) policies, TCA has revised the John G. Diefenbaker (JGD) and Sir John A. Macdonald (SJAM) external door entrance and exit procedures. The goal is to enhance the monitoring of all TCA school community members – including students, staff, parents and guests entering and exiting our school. Our number one school goal is to offer our community the safest and most secure campuses possible. This ultimately provides our students with the best learning environment to pursue their studies effectively and comfortably.

John G. Diefenbaker High School Entrance Points (Map Attached)

Note: These procedures and times have been approved by the Calgary Board of Education effective Saturday, September 9, 2023.

Door Unlocked Times – Three Points of Entry: JGD South Door, JGD North Door and JGD West Main Door

  • 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
  • 11:45 AM -1:15 PM
  • 3:45 PM – 4:15 PM

All three JGD points of entry will be supervised during these times mentioned above.

Class Hours – ONLY One Point of Entry: JGD South Door

  • 9:15 AM – 11:45 PM
  • 1:15 PM – 3:45 PM


The JGD South Door will be the only access/entrance point and will be supervised during class times. The North Door and Main Door will be available only for exiting the building.

If you would like to enter our school during class time, please go to the South door.

Sir John A. Macdonald School Entrance Point (Map Attached)

Note: These procedures and times have been approved by the Calgary Board of Education effective Saturday, September 9, 2023.

ALL DAY ONLY One Point of Entry: The SJAM North Door

  • 8:45 AM – 4:15 PM

The SJAM North door, one point of entry, will be supervised during the entire school day – 8:45 AM – 4:15 PM.

The SJAM Main door will also be available only for exiting the building during the entire day.

If you would like to enter our school during class time, go to the North door.


  1. All our notices will be sent via email. Please check your e-mails regularly. If you do not receive our e-mails or have changed your e-mail address, please contact us at thechineseacademy@gmail.com.
  2. Textbooks will be distributed to students on the first day of school in the classrooms. Students who register on or after September 9th, 2023, will receive their textbooks during next week’s class. If a student loses a textbook/exercise book, they will have to purchase a new one at the office.
  3. Please notify our school and the teacher by e-mail as early as possible if the student is going to be absent from the class.
  4. Student safety is first and foremost in our school. Students are not permitted to leave the school during class hours and recess.
  5. To facilitate safety and security during dismissal, parents and guardians are not permitted on the second floor at both campuses.
  6. Please pick up the student on time. If the student is not in the designated pick-up location, please visit our office at JGD room 121.
  7. All students are required to complete the media consent form. Please visit the link to complete the form: Click Here